Students suffering from depression or other mental illnesses often are referred to the University Counselling ServiceCasey Muir-Taylor

CUSU has launched a survey into the experiences of students and staff who have used the counselling services at the university.

The Women’s Campaign, working with the Welfare and Rights Officer Jack Wright, are seeking to examine current and past users’ experiences with the present systems within colleges, and with the wider University Counselling Service.

The survey has a particular focus on the level and efficacy of support available, as well as the usual wait times. In conjunction with the liberation campaigns at the CUSU level, the survey also aims to find out to what extent the gender, race and/or sexuality of users impacts on the support they receive. On the website, the survey states: “With this information we hope to work towards making improvements to the provision of talking therapies both on a university and college level.”

The survey is the latest in a series of efforts by CUSU, its associated bodies and the wider student population to call greater attention to mental health problems affecting Cantabrigians, in response to the perceived inadequacy of current welfare provision.

In 2013, following the example of the Everyday Sexism website, the Cambridge Speaks it Mind project was set up as an information-sharing service to call attention to “the flaws in Cambridge University's welfare system”. Since then, a branch of Speaks Its Mind has been set up in Oxford, and the project was covered by the Independent.

Last month, Morwenna Jones wrote a piece for the Guardian describing her struggles with mental health problems including depression and eating disorders, claiming that there had been an “epidemic” of mental health problems during her time at the university.

If you are struggling with depression or other mental health problems, you can contact Student Minds or MIND in Cambridgeshire.

Information on the University Counselling Service is available through their website,

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