Where better for a brains buffet?YouTube/Ampisound

It is sometimes said that academia is all about dead white men, but a Cambridge film company took the idea to new heights with a promotional video depicting a horde of flesh-eating zombies chasing the viewer across the roofs of the city.

Ampisound created the video as part of a promotional campaign for the upcoming video game Dying Light, a first-person survival horror title from Polish developer Techland.

It was shot using a head-cam as the runner flees across the Cambridge skyline, with countless undead in hot pursuit. The bulk of the action takes place around the New Museums Site, and various Cambridge landmarks are clearly visible in the background when not obscured by rotting flesh.

The company specializes in parkour photography, and free-running represents the core mechanic of Dying Light. Previously, they produced a tribute point-of-view parkour video to EA DICE’s 2007 video game Mirror’s Edge; like Dying Light, the main mechanic of Mirror’s Edge is fast-paced parkour across the rooftops of a hostile city.

That video, released in September 2013, currently has well over six million views on YouTube. Speaking to the BBC, Scott Bass, who directed the video, said: "I had anticipated the film would do well, because I've done a few virals now.

"What's been really cool is the response from such a wide range of places - along with the gaming and parkour scenes, film blogs and horror fanatics have been talking about it, which is really awesome.

"We only had one minor injury, which was because one of my athletes, Neil, decided eating a sandwich while walking down stairs would be a good idea."

Dying Light is set for release on Windows, PS4 and Xbox One on 30th January.

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