28 results found, showing 21–28
Indian opposition leader Rahul Gandhi has been criticised by politicians after telling a Cambridge audience that Indian democracy is under attack
According to students, the problem of mould in bedrooms due to ventilation issues was not addressed quickly by the college
New data reveal impact on Cambridge as EU student enrolments more than halve nationwide
Plans to introduce an external ‘bar supervisor’ have left student workers feeling ‘patronised’ and ‘undermined’
The SU said that the uni isn’t doing enough to address the pay gap, accusing unis of supporting ‘oppressive systems created during the colonial era’
Amelia Platt delves into life and works of Pauline Boty, whose art pushed boundaries and subverted expectations of women in the Sixties
As National Storytelling Week begins, Amelia Platt reflects on memories of her creative writing club at school
Amelia Platt writes about the importance of seeing yourself, and a multitude of identities, at the forefront of children’s literature