49 results found, showing 1–20
Varsity gives a month-by-month breakdown of the news which shaped Cambridge in a historic year
Disagreements continue regarding the University’s stance, as well as proposed amendments, which address issues of respect, tolerance and no-platforming
Activist groups, including Cambridge Zero Carbon and Extinction Rebellion Cambridge, have responded to yesterday’s announcement that the University aims to fully divest from fossil fuel corporations by 2030
The University has announced plans to divest from all direct and indirect investments in fossil fuels by 2030, in a move described as ‘hugely encouraging’ by Sir David Attenborough
Dr Desai will become one of the first ethnic minority women to lead a Cambridge department in the University’s 811-year history
The University will offer all students living in college accommodation a weekly test for SARS-CoV-2, even if they are asymptomatic
Wolfson College “was due to consider” her fellowship next month, but “will no longer do so”
Extinction Rebellion protesters used a croquet game on Senate House lawn to continue their call for the University to divest from fossil fuels
Israeli’s in Cambridge joined a global movement of anti-Netanyahu demonstrations in solidarity with protests in Israel
Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert, who graduated from Cambridge in 2013, is serving a 10-year sentence for espionage
A letter sent to the University and colleges demands no “unjust and unfair” rent increases, yet data gathered by Varsity found that many college rent increases were decided prior to the Covid-19 pandemic
David Starkey has apologised for making ‘deplorably inflammatory’ comments in an interview last week, whilst Fitzwilliam College has not responded to calls that they apologise for not dissociating from him sooner
Varsity brought live updates on how the UK coronavirus outbreak affected Cambridge
Stephen Toope today announced the promotion of 42 members of academic staff to Professorships
The new measures were adopted by University Council on Monday, but concerns have been raised about their disproportionate impact on women and BAME staff
A ‘dedicated complaint form’ has been launched for students who feel that they have legitimate reasons to submit a complaint against the University
Read back over all the updates Varsity brought to you in June 2020 as the coronavirus pandemic impacted Cambridge exams and the end of term
Anthony Browne claims that Cummings acted ‘reasonably and within the law’ in travelling to Durham whilst audio emerges in which he has previously criticised those who flout social distancing
Meanwhile, Cambridge MP Daniel Zeichner claims that Cummings ‘should have resigned this morning’
Lectures will be online but the University hopes for supervisions, seminars and practicals to continue in person