137 results found, showing 101–120
The hustings will be streamed via Zoom this year as the elections take place completely online for the first time
The series of successful votes allow the Cambridge Students’ Union to provide further support for transgender and disabled students
The measures include a system of ‘cohort equity,’ which will ensure the spread of classes matches previous years
The Faculty will ‘particularly welcome applications from candidates from a BME background’, who are currently underrepresented in the faculty
The company, founded during the first national lockdown, provides mentors for students to help them access Russel Group and Oxbridge universities
The open letter has been signed by over 100 students and student faith leaders, including members of the Jewish, African Caribbean, Sikh, Indian, Labour and Liberal societies
Students may be asked to defer or change college
Varsity provides a roundup of the first meeting of the Cambridge SU Student Council of Lent term
The campaign aims ‘to bring students and staff together to push for change’
Analysis by Varsity found that Management Studies gained the most students between 2017 and 2020, whereas Engineering saw the greatest loss
Part II students’ grades will be no lower than their Part IB exams, taken by students in 2019
The sanctions for breaching College Covid-19 rules range from a £40 fine to potential withdrawal of residence for the remainder of the academic year
Intensive Care Units have been forced to expand as the number of beds filled by Covid-19 patients increased in early January
The campaign forms part of Cambridge UCU’s ongoing efforts to gain trade union recognition from the University
The open letter demands that the Report for Publication released on Gemma White QC’s Inquiry Report be transparent ‘in order to rebuild trust between students, alumni and college leadership’
Cambridge courses will be accessible and free of charge to up to 50 educationally and socially disadvantaged students with BBB grades from October 2022
Two open letters have been launched as students and Colleges attempt to manage returns for Lent term
Teaching and learning for undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses will be moved online for the entirety of Lent Term
Colleges plead students to ‘consider carefully’ returns plans as national lockdown comes into force from today (06/01)
People will be asked to stay at home unless they have a ‘reasonable excuse’