12 results found.
Bret Cameron lambasts the notion that ‘electronic music’ is new, dangerous, or limited to a small selection of genres
Pixar and Dreamworks are not the only options; Bret Cameron argues that Western audiences should be more open to the beautiful images from many non-Western animations
Film & TV
A solid LP that doesn’t depart radically from the last, but has some mesmerising moments, writes Bret Cameron
Comment: Bret Cameron
We should reject what is a narrow-minded view of history and a flawed attitude towards current affairs, argues Bret Cameron
Dentistry is one of the most honourable professions there is, says Bret Cameron
Comment: Bret Cameron
Competition, rigid curricula and lack of vocational teaching are damaging our secondary schools, argues Bret Cameron
In response to Noa Gendler aricle, Bret Cameron argues that as readers we should not be scathing and cynical, but open to literature’s seductive effects.
Comment: Bret Cameron
The Daily Mail’s coverage of Caesarian Sunday is more evidence that the tabloid has no place in today’s media, argues Bret Cameron.
Forget going through your friend list one by one: Bret Cameron deleted his whole account and started again from scratch
Bret Cameron talks expectations, satisfaction, and the cha-cha
Comment: Bret Cameron
Propaganda lessons from the Westboro Baptist Church
Though absurd and hypocritical, the group’s hateful song parodies achieve a calculated effect