25 results found, showing 1–20
Eve Hodgson discusses how exercise helps her tackler her anxiety
Eve Hodgson muses on why she hasn’t found her ‘team’ in Cambridge and how she keeps in touch with friends from home
Violet’s resident tarot reader, Eve Hodgson, looks at what the eighth week of term has in store for you
Violet’s resident tarot reader, Eve Hodgson, looks at what the seventh week of term has in store for you
Violet’s resident tarot reader, Eve Hodgson, looks at what the sixth week of term has in store for you
Violet’s resident tarot reader, Eve Hodgson, looks at what the fifth week of term has in store for you
Violet’s resident tarot reader, Eve Hodgson, looks at what the fourth week of term has in store for you
Violet’s resident tarot reader, Eve Hodgson, looks at what the third week of term has in store for you
Violet’s resident tarot reader, Eve Hodgson, looks at what the second week of term has in store for you
Violet’s resident tarot reader, Eve Hodgson, looks at what first week has in store for you
Remembering why you wanted to come to Cambridge can get you through the harder moments, explains Eve Hodgson in her letter to freshers
In her final column, Violet columnist Eve Hodgson approaches the huge question of happiness
Eve Hodgson gives her take on the limits of tolerance, and where the line should be drawn
Eve Hodgson questions the idea of being tough- is it ever a good thing?
Eve Hodgson discusses some of the stresses and negatives of Cambridge, and how to combat them
Comment: Eve Hodgson
Following Lavinia Woodward’s light sentencing, Eve Hodgson argues that Judge Pringle’s ruling wrongly sets Oxbridge students above and apart
Comment: Eve Hodgson
Eve Hodgson argues that the Pitt Club’s recent admittance of women has done little to combat its exclusionary and out-dated image
Months after viewing, Anders Lustgarten’s The Seven Acts of Mercy still resonates, and it will continue to do so in the current political climate, writes Eve Hodgson
Comment: Eve Hodgson
Eve Hodgson argues that the exclusionary views of this once-prolific voice of second-wave radical feminism should result in her exclusion from the movement
Comment: Eve Hodgson
Giving money to the homeless should not be discouraged
We have a responsibility to act with empathy towards the homeless in Cambridge, argues Eve Hodgson