26 results found, showing 1–20
Jude Crawley speaks to the scheme’s first ever recipient about breaking barriers and meeting the man
Tobias Billström, a Selwyn alum, was hosted at the College earlier this week
ChatGPT performed poorly on analysis and comparison skills compared to humans, according to a new report
The University is putting further restrictions on its depleting medical support fund following initial tightening last month
Jude Crawley speaks to Theresa May’s Deputy Prime Minister on his time in and after politics.
Elections for undergraduate and postgraduate president are the most competitive they have been in recent years
Applications to the Crane’s fund have increased by 850% in the past four years
Some of the criticism dished out by Cambridge dons can sometime be more destructive than constructive
Eight years on from Giulio Regeni’s murder, students and locals gathered outside St Mary’s Church as part of the ‘Justice for Giulio’ campaign
Floods over the weekend have washed away many boat clubs’ pre-season plans
The King’s 2024 New Year honours list includes more than a dozen people with links to the University
ADHD diagnoses among students are steadily increasing, as the University warns against ‘stigmatising mental health and neurodiverse conditions’
Gove recognised Cambridge’s water-scarcity issues, while stating he was ‘in a hurry’ to introduce Silicon Valley transformation plans
Comment: Jude Crawley
The MMLL faculty’s decision to change exam format suddenly is a case study of institutional disregard for undergraduates
Comment: Jude Crawley
The student housing crisis is making the ability to move away from home to university a privilege
Jude Crawley interviews six of the seven candidates hoping to gain a seat on the council in the elections on Thursday 4th May
Video & Podcasts
As more and more Welsh students leave their native country to study, Gwenno Robinson follows the journey of three Welsh students studying at Cambridge.
Varsity‘s Theatre section looks back on a wonderful term of theatre to discuss their highlights
Jude Crawley interviews five drama society presidents from unis across the country to find out
Comment: Jude Crawley
Head-to-head: in person interviews
With all colleges apart from Trinity moving their interviews to Zoom, Jude Crawley and Emily Lawson-Todd question whether this is for the best