150 results found, showing 21–40
She said that she was pressured to drop her complaint and was revictimised by the disciplinary process. The University denies her statement that she was pressured.
‘Noah Carl Legal Fund LLC’ was set up to raise $100,0000 in anticipation of Carl’s planned court battle with St. Edmund’s College
A fellow of St Edmund’s has suggested that Carl did not reveal several articles he published when he was applying to a research fellowship in order to “downplay their existence”
Cambridge accepted more Etonians than black male students last year
The key takeaways from Cambridge’s latest admissions data
The college’s decision to exit the Universities Superannuation Scheme has faced criticism from academics and UCU members across the UK
The college will exit the scheme next week, isolating it from the higher education sector
One panel into Noah Carl’s appointment found that “in the course of pursuing… problematic work, Dr Carl had collaborated with a number of individuals who were known to hold extremist views”
Over 1,000 listened to Davis speak in conversation with poet and scholar Jackie Kay
Peterson cultivated a fan base around the idea that there is a ‘crisis in masculinity’
Representatives from a number of faith groups in Cambridge spoke and said prayers at the vigil
It’s estimated that the scheme will offer places to up to 100 students who were interviewed at Cambridge and fell just short of an offer
Over the course of more than three hours, sabbatical and presidential candidates saw more common ground than reasons to differ
The candidates express their thoughts on Prevent, college inequalities, rent, divestment, CUSU engagement, and underdiscussed issues
Gunning for the role of CUSU President, Edward Parker Humphreys discussed what he hopes to tackle next year if elected, from financial hardship to student loneliness
The majority of student speakers were members of the pro-divestment group Cambridge Zero Carbon
Last May, a discussion in Senate House saw campaigners call on the University to change its student disciplinary procedure
In 2018, Cambridge’s School of Humanities & Social Sciences had the largest gender pay gap, new analysis by Varsity has found
The Department of Education have said that the review is looking to provide students with better “value for money” in higher education, while university heads have signalled alarm bells
Comment: Rosie Bradbury
Don’t let Cambridge’s Peterson U-turn distract you. It’s just their PR team at work
Cambridge says there is “no place here” for Peterson. But by keeping researchers like Noah Carl on their payroll, they show their commitment to inclusivity is only skin-deep