56 results found, showing 1–20
Comment: Sarah Sheard
Sarah Sheard pens a damning rebuttal of comments made by Richard Cairns, headmaster of Brighton College, about pupils of single-sex girls’ schools
Comment: Sarah Sheard
A political lament for Cambridge from the far reaches of Homerton
A year on from CUSU’s campaign to instigate tutor training, Sarah Sheard explores whether chance still plays a role in being assigned a competent tutor
Comment: Sarah Sheard
The manipulative power of tabloid journalism is not restricted to gospel or outrage, argues Sarah Sheard
Orgy societies have long been a part of Cambridge urban legend; but Sarah Sheard discovered a very different world to the one she’d anticipated
Sarah Sheard explores the Christian Union’s mission week, ‘The Search’, to see why saving Cantabrigians’ souls is at the heart of their organisation
Sarah Sheard explores whether CUCA has lost its political gravitas, unlike its polar opposite; the Marxist Discussion Group. With additional reporting by Daniel Hepworth
With some colleges offering students up to £40,000 for travel, Sarah Sheard explores whether centralising travel bursaries could level the playing field
A new campaign claims that colleges prioritise business interests over student well-being
A former doctor at Addenbrooke’s admitted possessing over 170,000 spy pen images of children
No trial date has yet been set for Peterhouse graduate Rurik Jutting
Selwyn Templars rate students they have slept with in Facebook group
Clare College will receive a portion of the estimated $3.5 million dollars from the sale
A new online project, Sixteen Days in Cambridge, aims to highlight the ubiquity of gender violence
A former employee of the college has been charged with fraud by position in connection with £300,000 missing from college accounts
The boycott alleges that Ede and Ravenscroft bypass UK anti-fur laws by importing foreign fur
Cambridge academic releases single for women in science
Recent conflict with Women’s Campaign is a ‘personal vendetta’
Comment: Sarah Sheard
A Great Brexit Britain could learn a lot from Berlin
The Germans shape their future based on a critical view of the past while we revel in self-congratulation, argues Sarah Sheard