22 results found, showing 1–20
Film & TV
Sophie Lewisohn feels this production of Marin Crimp’s The Country has done the script justice
4 stars
Film & TV
Though the play is based on an interesting concept, Sophie Lewisohn can only find a few good things to say about the Playrooms’ lateshow this week ,br. 2 stars
Film & TV
Sophie Lewishon gives her verdict on this week’s ADC Lateshow
3 stars
Sophie Lewisohn talks to the cast of Rookie, the all-female sketch show
Film & TV
‘Not nearly offensive enough’ Sophie Lewisohn on Jeff Carpenter’s Nativity musical at Corpus Playroom
2 stars
Film & TV
A worrying portrayal of the kinds of love possible in the university environment: Sophie Lewisohn on Oliver Rees’s ‘showcase of real life love stories and relationships’ at Corpus Playroom
4 stars
Film & TV
Sophie Lewisohn talks to Martin Crimp about his play Cruel and Tender