The Simpsons

Sex and the City (1999)

Carrie Bradshaw knows good…. Trump. The property mogul appeared on the New York sitcom back in 1999, seducing Samantha at a bar with his blonde toupé and stacks of cash.

The Apprentice (2004 - 2015)

You’re hired! The President elect came to the forefront of public consciousness with his role as the judge of the American business game show. 

Watch Trump's best ever cameos here

The Simpsons (2000)

The American cartoon eerily predicted Trump’s rise to power 16 years ago, with Lisa, the first female US president ‘inheriting quite a budget crunch from President Trump’. Don’t say we weren’t warned.

Zoolander (2001)

Trump, so hot right now. The businessman appeared as himself alongside his supermodel wife Melania in this cult classic about the world of male modelling. 

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) 

Maybe the weirdest of all of his cinematic roles, Trump helps a lost Macauly Culkin find his way in this seasonal classic. Ahhh, Christmas

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