Image: Sasin Tipchai on

Medical tourism is becoming an increasingly common phenomenon. While residents of developed countries often visit foreign countries to reduce the cost of medical treatment, patients from countries with a low level of medicine are heading to the West, where there are modern hospitals, innovative equipment, and highly qualified professionals who can cope with even the most severe diseases. Medical tourism in Germany has become a popular destination among residents of the former USSR, North Africa, and the Middle East. It is the most developed country in Europe, which also spends the highest percentage of GDP on healthcare among all European countries. The best clinics in Germany are among the best in the world. You can undergo your treatment in one of them by using the BookingHealth service.

Popular medical tourism destinations

Since Germany uses advanced medical treatments, but the prices of medical services are higher compared to developing countries, people seek medical help in German hospitals mainly for serious illnesses, high-tech procedures, and complex operations.

The most popular services among foreign patients in Germany are cancer treatment, spinal surgery, heart surgery, sports medicine, and rehabilitation. You can seek medical help in German hospitals for any, even the most severe, pathologies and expect good treatment results.

Oncology remains the most popular medical specialty among medical tourists. It accounts for up to 40% of all visits to German hospitals by foreign patients. Innovative treatments in German cancer centers make it possible to cure more than half of all cancer cases. Significant progress has been made even in the fight against the most severe, prognostically unfavorable cancers. For example, German hospitals provide successful glioblastoma treatment, as well as the treatment for liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, adrenocortical cancer, and other aggressive tumors.

How to travel to Germany for treatment?

There are many hospitals in Germany, and none is the best in all medical specialties. You should choose a hospital based on your diagnosis or symptoms.

You are welcome to use the BookingHealth service to choose a clinic and travel to Germany for treatment. The leading medical centers of the country are presented here.

You can enter your diagnosis in the search bar and select a treatment method if necessary. You will get a list of recommended hospitals. You can choose one of them based on the rating, patient reviews, and the cost of medical services.

Whether you have already made your decision or are still considering options, you can leave your request on the BookingHealth website. Please attach your medical documents and indicate your diagnosis, symptoms, and other important information about your health status. The BookingHealth specialists will contact you within 24 hours to help you choose the most suitable hospital.

Once you have finally decided on the medical center, you will need to pay for the medical care program. When you make an appointment through BookingHealth, the prices will be lower than when you contact a medical facility directly. This is because there are no additional fees for foreign patients.

After payment, you can book airline tickets, reserve a hotel room, apply for a visa, and take care of other organizational issues. If necessary, the BookingHealth specialists will organize your trip abroad, meet you at a German airport, take you to the hospital by car, provide assistance, and support you during your stay in another country.