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Before electronic signatures, users had to go through the endless cycle of printing, signing, scanning, and emailing documents. However, with the adoption of eSignatures, you can sign agreements or contracts securely online in minutes. For this reason, 69% of users choose eSignatures over in-person signing.

However, to fully leverage the benefits of eSignatures, you need more than basic online signing features. This is where an eSign API becomes essential. It allows you to identify and customize signature fields, monitor the signing process, send notifications, and more.

This comprehensive article will discuss how to create digital signatures in PDF with eSign PDF tools like Lumin Sign to improve team collaboration and significantly reduce paper-based chaos. Let’s begin.

Preparing and setting up

Before starting the eSigning process, it’s important to prepare your documents. Here are the things to consider:

Access eSign API documentation and resources

An ideal eSign tool provides comprehensive documentation that details all the API’s functionalities. For example, you can consult the tool’s resources to understand how to specify the document recipient for signing. The documentation will guide you through the API call parameters for defining details like the recipients’ email addresses, names, and signing orders.

Configure API credentials and authentication methods

You must configure your API credentials to access an API. Your digital tool provides a secure platform for generating API keys that authenticate your requests to the API. The documentation will guide you through this authentication process, ensuring your account remains safe.

Uploading PDF documents for signatures

Let’s see how to upload your documents for electronic signatures in PDFs:

Preparing PDF documents

Before uploading your PDF, ensure it’s ready for the eSigning process. For example, suppose you have a complex contract requiring approval from multiple parties in specific locations within the document. In that case, you can pre-define these signature fields within your PDF before uploading. Fortunately, Lumin Sign API allows you to define designated spots electronically. This ensures a smooth signing experience for everyone involved.

Employing eSign API to upload PDFs to the platform:

The API offers functionalities for uploading your prepared PDF to the eSignature platform. Suppose you have a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) ready for signing by your new marketing partner. The API provides methods to upload the NDA PDF and specify the document name for easy identification within the platform.

Verifying successful document upload for signature placement

Once uploaded, you can utilize the eSign API to confirm successful document upload. The API provides a response code indicating successful upload, allowing you to proceed with the next step – defining the signing workflow!

Defining signature fields and positions

This section focuses on using the eSign API to designate where to draw an online signature within your document for a smooth and efficient signing process.

Identifying signature areas within PDF documents

Let’s say you have a lease agreement requiring approval from the landlord and tenant. Before uploading the PDF, you must identify the locations where each party must sign. This could be a designated “Signature” line at the end of the document or a specific section requiring approval. Having these areas mapped out is crucial for the next step.

Utilizing eSign API to define signature fields programmatically

Now, the eSign API allows you to define signature fields electronically within your uploaded PDF. They act as digital placeholders specifying the exact coordinates (X and Y values) on the PDF where each signature field should appear. This ensures your documents are organized and professional.

Customizing signature fields with parameters such as position and size

The eSign API goes beyond just defining locations. It allows you to customize signature fields with various parameters for a complex contract requiring multiple approvals, each with specific instructions. For example, you can define the size of the field, ensuring it accommodates different online PDF signature styles. Additionally, you can add a “Signer Name” field below the specified area, prompting signers to enter their typed names for added clarity.

Inviting signers and gathering signatures

After defining signature fields, you can invite your team or clients to sign electronically. This process utilizes the eSign API to send signing requests and track the signing process.

Sending signature invitations to intended signers via eSign API

If you have a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) ready for eSignatures from your new marketing partner, the eSign API enables you to send automated signing invitations directly. These invitations typically include the document, instructions, and designated fields. You can specify the email addresses of each signer and define their signing order electronically.

For example, with the NDA, you may set it so you can insert an electronic signature in PDF first, followed by your marketing partner. The API also takes care of sending personalized invitations. That means you can include a message reminding each department head to review a specific line before signing. This streamlines communication and expedites the signing process.

Monitoring the status and responses through API functionalities

Beyond sending invitations, Lumin Sign’s API allows you to monitor the signing status. Suppose a request order requires online signatures for loans from multiple departments within your company. It provides functionalities to check if each department has received the invitation, opened the document, and, most importantly, signed it.

You can set up automatic reminders so that the team member whose approval is required receives a reminder if they take too long to append it. This visibility ensures you stay informed and can follow up if necessary.

Collecting electronic signatures and updating document status accordingly

Once your signers have completed the electronic signing process, the eSign API takes care of the rest. It securely collects and embeds the electronic signatures within your online signature PDF document. The document status is also updated to reflect that it’s fully signed, providing a clear audit trail for future reference. So, once your marketing partner signs electronically, the API updates the document status to “Completed.”


This eSign API guide can transform your PDF signing process to ensure collaboration and increase productivity. So, invest in a secure eSign tool like Lumin Sign to define signature fields, send secure invitations, insert signatures in PDFs, and monitor the signing process efficiently.