Medical negligence cases are typically quite rare, but that doesn’t make them any less traumatic. Their effects are broad in scope and usually include both physical and mental issues. Patients who are dealing with chronic illnesses or who don’t have a lot of funds at their disposal will be particularly affected by such an occurrence. Apart from the short-term damage, there are also long-lasting effects to take into account, all of which decrease the general quality of life and can even exacerbate symptoms. If someone close to you, such as a friend, partner or family member, has experienced medical negligence, the troubles they’re going through can place a strain on you as well. The same goes for your relatives if you are the victim of medical misconduct.

With that said, let’s look at some of the things you can do to ensure proper recovery and move on from this unpleasant event for good.

Image: Zhen H on

Physical impact

The physical impact of malpractice depends on the individual cases and the severity of the misdiagnosis. If something serious is mistaken for a very minor condition, this can have serious effects on the patient and even potentially result in life-threatening disease. Medical negligence is often difficult to prove, and it can be hard to establish the cause and effect. This is why you should consider getting help from a specialised solicitor, such as the Gary Matthews team, if you want compensation for your case. You’ll need to bring proof attesting to the health damage you suffered as a result of the malpractice since the amount you are entitled to receive will depend on the particulars of your case.

A delayed or incorrect diagnosis prevents patients from receiving treatment in a timely fashion so that they can recover. In the meantime, the illness can worsen, meaning that the treatment will be more difficult. There’s also the possibility that the treatment you received can exacerbate your existing symptoms and make your illness more challenging to treat in the future. Surgical errors are another form of malpractice that can cause sequelae. Physicians can perform the wrong procedures, forget surgical instruments inside the patient’s body, or cause damage to the tissues and organs.

These are errors that can cause severe infection or internal haemorrhages and, in serious instances, even lead to widespread, systemic septicaemia or hypovolemic shock. Birth injuries can also occur and typically include injuries to the spinal cord, brain or nerves. As a result, the physical effect can range from relatively mild motor delay that can heal on its own to life-altering disability like paralysis.

Emotional effects

While medical malpractice is typically an event that affects the physical body, the emotional toll it can take on you shouldn’t be disregarded. You may end up battling anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder, especially if your case is particularly severe or even life-threatening. You might find yourself unable to trust doctors again, and the simple thought of visiting a physician might leave you anxious. This is particularly noteworthy as it can cause you to avoid getting treatment for other health concerns in the future out of fear that the same situation will repeat itself. In some instances, you might also find yourself dealing with guilt over the fact that you were unable to protect yourself against the malpractice.

While such a concern may seem illogical to someone who was never on the receiving end of a medical negligence case, such feelings can cause quite a lot of distress for the victim, and they will often be impossible to overcome in the absence of professional assistance. Seeking justice through legal action can also cause some anxiety, as the process is complex and can become quite lengthy. The odds may seem overwhelming and intimidating, and this places further strain on your mind, something you definitely don’t want to deal with if you already feel stressed and tired.

Having a solid support network is essential during these trying times, but you can also get in touch with a therapist. Working with a professional allows you to develop suitable coping mechanisms, which can ensure you take more practical steps toward recovery.

Financial aspect

The financial consequences arising from misdiagnosis or wrongful procedures are another aspect of negligence that doesn’t get discussed enough. There are several different ways in which the economic impact can take its toll on you, including:

  • Medical expenses: The financial implications are typically far-reaching if you require hospitalisation, long-term treatment, additional surgical procedures, or rehabilitation costs. If ongoing care is also involved, the expenses are likely to become even more elevated.
  • Loss of income: In some cases, patients affected by medical negligence are well after taking a few days off. However, in more extreme cases, they can also be left entirely unable to work. This results in a loss of income, which will naturally lead to additional financial difficulties for the individual. Many end up having to rely on their families, who, in some cases, may not make enough to cover the complete costs.
  • Changes in daily life: In severe cases of medical negligence, long-term or even permanent disability can occur, and for people dealing with this scenario, daily life often has to change in several ways. For instance, their homes might require remodelling to fit their needs, and some will need to purchase specialised medical equipment as well.

Medical negligence cases are not incredibly common, but their effects can be devastating. Victims have to deal with the mounting expenses, additional treatments, and emotional problems that come as a result of the illness. All of these factors can cause people to isolate themselves from family and peers, as well as find it difficult to accommodate to the demands of their life, whether they’re temporary or permanent.

Learning how to cope with the disruptions brought on by malpractice isn’t something that can be achieved in a day, which is why it’s important to give yourself time and not hesitate to ask for help. Having dedicated professionals who are ready to work with you on your side allows you to have a successful outcome so that you can truly achieve recovery.