Cambridge University Netball Club

Sporting idol? Serena Williams.

Best sporting moment? Beating Oxford this season - the first time in over 5 years!

Worst sporting moment? Going from a significant lead to drawing our match at Varsity 2021, with no scope for extra time due to COVID match restrictions.

Most embarrassing sporting moment? I once accidentally set the fire alarm off at a swimming gala, meaning the pool started to drain and the whole crowd had to evacuate the building.

Best victory for Cambridge? Our Blues went unbeaten in the league to be promoted to Division 1 last season.

Worst defeat for Cambridge? We lost 3/4 matches in Varsity last season.

Best thing about being a captain? Being able to manage an amazing group of like-minded people! 

Worst thing about being a captain? The admin, RIP.

Why is your sport the best? Technical, fast-paced and high pressure!

Why is your sports club the best? Definitely the people. We’re all always up for a laugh but also want to train hard too!

Who has the best chat in the team? Definitely not Millie Quayle… 

Who receives the most fines and why? Millie Carson (AKA silly fresher)


Mountain View

Captain’s Corner: Cheerleading

One to watch this year? Izzy Howse and Jade Popoola.

Prediction for this year’s Varsity match? Clean sweep for the Light Blues of course!

If only X went to Cambridge, we'd win every game... Jade Clarke  

How can we follow Cambridge Netball? @cambridgeuninetball