Bo Dury shoots for the basket as the Blues take victoryCaroline Walerud

In a solid 69-49 win, our Women's Basketball team beat the University of Sussex on Wednesday the 16th. The Blues will go on to play quarterfinals in the Knockout Trophy Tournament against UWIC 2nds or University of Southampton 1st team next Wednesday.

Although Sussex took the first basket, Cambridge countered with 7 points in the next few minutes by gaining some quick baskets in fast breaks. The Cambridge team, lead by Coach Amalio Fernandez-Pacheco, continued to pressure the opposing team by double-teaming their guard and intercepting passes. The home team's star  number 7 broke the Blues' defences from the high post, scoring 8 of their 12 points in their first quarter. Nevertheless the Light Blues finished the quarter in the lead with 15 points against 12.

However their dangerous number 7 was effectively shut down by our posts Natalie Loh, Kate Beniuk and Caroline Walerud in the remaining three quarters, scoring only 5 more points. Carolyn “CB” Beniuk’s excellent steals in defence lead to more quick baskets. The referees called all fouls on the ball, bringing the opposition into team fouls in all but 1 quarter. Although the Blues had many foul shot opportunities they scored mostly by driving into the paint, though Athena Tan also scored some baskets from out of the key.

 Sussex 1st team fought hard to the finish but struggled to defend against the Blues' offensive plays, regularly getting caught in our screens. As wing Janet Yung summed up: “We won the game because our bench wouldn’t stop cheering and our players wouldn’t stop scoring”.  Though the Blues played hard, the 10-strong squad meant that they could maintain the intensity throughout the game.

Caroline Walerud

The win was solidified by scoring streaks by Paloma Navarro and Captain Kate Beniuk who together scored 31 points. Point guard Navarro both shot from outside the key and drove in to gain many foul shots and baskets.  Top scorer Beniuk benefited from drives, assists and rebounds to score the team 17 points.  As player Sheldon mentioned, “it was a hard but sportsmanly game”, and the team looks forward to the upcoming matches and next season.

CUWBbC had a slow start in Michaelmas Term worsened by several injuries. With focused training at training camp and at the start of Lent, the team has rebounded in the New Year, winning two of its three BUCS games and the one friendly. Wing Dana Smith commented: “We’ve improved so much this year and it’s exciting to see everything coming together now.”

The club has also launched a second team in Lent, which is currently a College All Star team. Lead by Steph Polderdijk the Seconds played an exciting game against the local Cambridge Cats on Tuesday, winning narrowly in overtime with a final score of 21-20.

The club is very optimistic for the games against Oxford on February 26th at Kelsey Kerridge Sports Centre, Cambridge. The men’s and women’s clubs are organising it together, and all Light Blue supporters are welcome to come watch between 11 and 7. The All-Stars are playing Oxford Seconds in a friendly game at 11-1 and the Women's Blues Varsity game is at 3-5pm.