Breaking: An Improvised News Broadcast opens on Wednesday 16th JuneCredit: Impronauts

“No! A cappuccino and a latte are not the same thing! Argh! My parents were right about you – not just because [3..] you’re stubborn, [2…] but because […] Good evening, and welcome to BREAKING: Here are tonight’s headlines…”

On June 16, The Cambridge Impronauts will re-take the stage at the ADC Theatre with BREAKING, a unique news-themed lateshow.

What can the audience expect? They’ll see a rolling-news style program (Warning - it might not all go smoothly!) but when the cameras turn off, the relationships and drama between the anchors, make-up artists, producers (or whatever characters happen to appear) will play out. The tone will be light-hearted and fun, so it’s the ideal way to kick-back a little if there’s anything stressful happening.

“[W]hen the cameras turn off, the relationships and drama between the anchors, make-up artists, producers [...] will play out”

Beyond that, no-one knows what will happen – the themes of BREAKING will be taken from the in-person and online audiences at the start of the show and the whole thing will be created in real time.

The ’Nauts have been busy with online improvised shows such as their Clickfire! series during the pandemic, and all that practice has paid off. They’re now really pushing the state of the art with a multi-media show. For the first time, the stage performance will include live segments from a distant improviser via video-link – just like a real News broadcast (except without a script). The ADC have been brilliant at arranging all the necessary technology.

“They’re now really pushing the state of the art with a multi-media show”

Co-Director Barney explained what he thought would make BREAKING special: “One thing from rehearsals that has truly got me excited is how the cast constantly find new and hilarious ways to play with the format. This is not just a news show – it’s an experiment in messing with the connection between off-camera drama and on camera chaos, and I think the audience are going to love that too.”

Performer Damian added: “There’s something special about improvised theatre – it’s ephemeral, and bespoke to that moment and that conspiracy of performers and audience. A shared activity and experience which can’t be repeated.”


Mountain View

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All the performers are excited to have an in-person audience. Hearing laughter again will be magical, and it’s heartwarming to see that the ADC have arranged for groups to be able to sit and laugh together in the auditorium. It is also wonderful that they have set up cameras to live-stream the show for people elsewhere in the UK, and around the world.

Co-Director/Performer Alex was also pumped up about the show: “I am beyond excited for BREAKING It feels like such a privilege to perform in person again. I think that the audience will love the amazing energy that comes from live improv, and the fact that they get to control the news for a change! During the rehearsal stage I loved how we discussed and watched each person’s comedy inspirations, because it helped us develop such a strong idea of the show’s character and to bond as a cast!”

Perhaps it’ll be your ideas that steer the story- but only if you get your tickets in time from The Impronauts can’t wait to welcome you

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