Bees occupy a bike outside Trinity Hall
Bees have swarmed the outside of Trinity Hall, claiming ownership of a bike seat
As of Thursday morning, a swarm of bees has rendered a Tracker mountain bike, inauspiciously placed outside Trinity Hall, unusable.
According to Cristiano Ristuccia, Director of Studies in Economics at Tit Hall, the "bees are swarming" which happens "every year."
The college, already stung by the frurore caused by the Crescents drinking society, acted quickly. Signs were placed, warning students and tourists about the presence of these unwelcome occupiers outside the Trinity Hall porters lodge.
Following the trend set by Cambridge Defend Education, and more recently Cambridge Zero Carbon, the bees of Cambridge have taken the unprecedented action of occupying a bike seat outside of Trinity Hall (more like Trinity Hive, right?).
Students, onlookers and the guy that runs the University of Cambridge Facebook page swarmed to the scene of the occupation on Thursday morning.
The University of Cambridge published a video on Facebook, featuring Ristuccia, to offer ground-breaking comment on the bee situation. While undoubtedly an excellent economist, Ristuccia didn’t really seem to know a lot about what was going on vis-a-vis the bees. Oh well.
Violet has reached out to the leader of this impromptu occupation (the Queen Bee) for comment, though the phone line was perhaps malfunctioning given all we could hear was buzzing.
While the exact motivation of the posse is unknown, it could well be an escalation of the action that students and organisations are taking against the drinking society culture at Cambridge.
This logic would suggest that the bees have targeted Trinity Hall as a result of the recently published (and widely criticised) behaviour of the Tit Hall drinking society, the Crescents, during Cesarean Sunday.
Violet waits with baited breath for the onslaught of bee-xit.