A wonderfully unreliable guide to a socially distanced Cambridge
Violet’s latest columnist Scarlet Rowe tells us all about her favourite places of tranquility in this prophetic guide to a new, socially distanced Cambridge

First and foremost, I am no expert on Cambridge. However, I am going to write as though I am. If you don’t heed my warning and continue anyway, then don’t say you weren’t warned. You most certainly were.
Writing a guide to a socially distanced Cambridge is somewhat challenging. This is because I have not experienced it yet, so I don’t have a clue what it will be like. Nevertheless, I have a few recommendations of places which I really hope will be open. The whole of Cambridge can’t be closed, after all. However, if my list turns out to be inaccurate, then it will go hand in hand with my essays which have met the same fate.
Waterstones Cafe

In first place is Waterstones Cafe. Or more specifically, a window seat on the top floor of Waterstones Cafe. Life does not get much better than that. You’re in the midst of the hustle and bustle and have the perfect opportunity to treat yourself to an overpriced hot chocolate. There are plugs for when your laptop inevitably dies too (mine seems to permanently survive at around the 1% mark). Plus, you can easily saunter around the bookshelves if you fancy a break, and admire all of the books that you can’t afford. I even became acquainted with the cookery section last year, though I am not quite Deliah Smith yet. Though the cafe can be a little loud at times, there’s nothing wrong with a distraction every so often. We have silent libraries for the serious revision. Maybe Waterstones cafe is best for a revision date. 50% catch-up, 40% hot chocolate, and 10% essay. Perfect.
Gonville and Caius Library

In second place we have Gonville and Caius library. If you’re not a Caian, you’re forfeiting the best library. It is possibly the most perfect place in Cambridge. Studiers can be found at all kinds of ridiculous hours with their heads buried in a book (or asleep) whilst the stars twinkle outside. Sneezing becomes illegal and will be met with some quite terrifying stares. The stairs creak if you have the audacity to walk up them and break the sublime silence. And in the meantime, library dwellers tip-toe gently across the carpet, parading their newest outfit to the procrastinating population. I’ve gathered quite a few style tips whilst there, though the puffer coats do somewhat steal the show in winter.
A walk through King’s College

I think it is difficult to be indifferent about the walk through King's College. Even though it is not as good as Caius, it’s not so bad really. Being located in Harvey Court last year (which feels like last century by this point), I walked through King’s every morning when I woke up on time for lectures. So that’s about 3 days a week (which, may I add, is over 50%). During winter I enjoyed hurrying across the bridge and gazing at the river glazed with ice. I liked admiring the perfectly polished grass which makes clear that nobody bar the chosen ones are welcome in its wake. I am not a chosen one unfortunately, so must walk the long way through the treacherous green gates. You can’t win them all, I guess.
Newnham College

4th place goes to a very deserving Newnham college. I stumbled upon its red bricked glory on one of my rare runs in 1st year. Its gardens are quite breathtaking. They’d fit perfectly into a cosy novel as the home of tea-parties and summer bonanzas. I can imagine their garden parties are quite spectacular. And tucked away in a quiet corner of town, they make for a perfect strolling place. Don’t forget to bring a flask of tea with you. Or if you are feeling particularly adventurous, make your way to the cafe. It’s always quite busy and has quite a pleasant hum about it.
Nightime Walks

This isn’t a place exactly, but night time walks around Cambridge are a splendid idea. I can’t say with full conviction that they are better than their morning counterparts though, as I am never awake to make a just comparison. Walking through town in the dark has quite a special feel about it. You catch snippets of laughter and conversations as you traverse through the singing streets. Leaving town, you can walk along the winding river and listen to the quiet rustle of the trees (I’ll stop trying to be a second rate poet now, promise). Such walks, morning or night, should be made a compulsory part of our degree.
I’ll finish here as 5 as it is quite a satisfactorily round number, don’t you think? The thought of going back to Cambridge is both terribly daunting and wonderfully exciting. At any rate, after having spent over half a year at home, I think most of us are more than ready to return.