DIY SOS, Cambridge edition: decorating your college room
Columnist Scarlet Rowe gives us her tips on how to make the best of the space you’re given in college

I still don’t quite believe that in under two weeks we’ll be back at university. By this point, Cambridge feels like a hazy memory packed with significant amounts of nostalgia. As I write, my first year room eagerly awaits the arrival of a brand new shiny fresher to fill it with life once more. What’s more, my new room lies (probably) empty this second waiting for its new resident with bated breath.
Naturally, one of the key considerations in moving back to uni is the room design. It is absolutely essential to make your room as nice as is humanly possible (at all times). This is especially the case this term seeing as we will be spending most of our time in our rooms, whether we like it or not.
“Even though the libraries were tempting, my room had a knitted blanket and close access to a kettle”
I spent a lot of time in my room last year, especially in winter. A lot of this was down to me being idle and not fancying a walk through the glacial airs of Cambridge. Even though the libraries were tempting, my room had a knitted blanket and close access to a kettle. This narrowed the competition somewhat.
Upon arriving in Michaelmas last year, I really had no clue of what to bring. I was an innocent and unknowing first year, you see. So I bought a blanket or two, lots of unnecessary things, and very few necessary things. I forgot items like pyjamas which wasn’t exactly fantastic. Even though lists are very boring and tedious, they are probably a good idea for occasions like this.
It goes without saying that personal touches are necessary for your room. Photos of family/ friends are a good idea BUT may also lead to lots of questions about who is who and where you were at that moment. That’s great for me because I never tire of chatting. Alternatively, if you don’t like humans that much, then a landscape or something will do instead. However, lots of colleges do not like blue tack. It is, alas, public enemy number one and may result in a fine. If you don’t want to pay a fine, then you’ll just have to bear this injustice stoically. So make the most of any noticeboard you have, and maybe bring a few frames too if you want to be extra safe.
“Tidier rooms make for happier people, I’m sure of it”
In addition, if you have an armchair in your room, bring a cushion and a blanket. I promise they will look great and generally make your room a nicer place to be in. A rug also is a clever idea, as they can’t help but make rooms more homely. Try to keep your clothes as neat as possible too. Tidier rooms make for happier people, I’m sure of it (despite the fact that anyone who knows me will be staring agog at the sheer hypocrisy of me suggesting that). However, I think that if you can keep your room clean then that is a very impressive feat. My rooms tend not to like being tidy through no fault of my own, okay?
You’ll probably agree that the difficult thing with Cambridge rooms is that most of us have to move out of them every term. This is really rather inconvenient. It makes me not want to bring a lot of belongings out of sheer indolence, because I don’t want to spend ages packing up at the end of every term.
I definitely packed way too many clothes last Michaelmas, especially considering that I only ended up wearing about two jumpers and trousers all term. Safe to say, lessons were not learnt. I did the exact same thing for Lent term, which is less forgivable seeing as this is the exact thing I said I would not do. So bear in mind that you’ll have to move in and out a lot, and try to find a happy medium in terms of packing - if possible.
Whatever happens this year, don’t forget that Cambridge is filled with shops which can help you out if you forget anything or think of any new ideas. You can always watch Phil and Kirsty on TV talking about ‘compromise’ if it all gets a bit much. What’s more, Pinterest is still here and it is undeniably fantastic for room inspo. So if you have a spare minute or two and/or feel as though my advice is immensely unhelpful, then have a little scroll. See you in two weeks, Cambridge! I promise I won’t bring too much blue tack, for all it’s worth...