Meet the Violet Team!
As we start a brand new term, a new team of hopefuls are taking over Varsity’s best section: Violet. Meet Scarlet Rowe, Conall Hughes and Anna Feest, aka, the Dream Team

Introduce yourself!
Scarlet: I never quite know how to introduce myself in a manner which does not send others to sleep, but here goes! The general ‘thing to do’ at uni seems to be to clarify name, subject, college, and region. So I’m (you guessed it,) Scarlet, a HSPSer at Caius (before you ask, I don’t know why it’s spelt like that either). I’m also (shock horror!) from Leeds. It’s quite fun coming from the North in Cambridge because it immediately makes me ‘exotic’ and ‘interesting’ without actually doing much.
“Seems I’m the only Southerner here, which is a rare occurrence in the Cambridge bubble…”
Conall: I’m a second-year historian at Peterhouse, from the North West. Sadly, my rural origins have been little help in making me ‘exotic’. In fact, my accent is now so far deformed that I am unlikely to ever return, for fear of the villagers taking arms against such a serial roots-forgetter.
Anna: Seems I’m the only Southerner here, which is a rare occurrence in the Cambridge bubble… I’m an MMLer at Queens’, although currently in Berlin enjoying the delights of German lockdown and travel bans. I also pretend to study Russian, which as I’m from Salisbury always leads to some interesting follow up questions about certain nerve agent attacks.
Fun fact about you?
Scarlet: I hate this question because I actually don’t think I’m very fun, and I’m genuinely terrible with facts (which bodes well for my degree doesn’t it?). So could that count as a fun fact (minus the ‘fun’)? Whenever people ask me this question in interviews or social events, I always want to cry in despair because other people have actual things to say about themselves but I, quite frankly, don’t.
Conall: I’m sure that Scarlet is far too hard on herself! I find that people are almost always far more interesting than they imagine, possessing many hidden eccentric qualities. One of mine, for example, is an uncommon fondness for tangents. This comes in terribly helpful for avoiding the spirit of questions I would rather avoid, of which this is one.
“I find that people are almost always far more interesting than they imagine, possessing many hidden eccentric qualities”
Anna: So this is something I have recently come to terms with and been able to admit to myself and others, but it’s also ridiculous enough to be my go-to answer for this… I have an irrational fear of getting music stuck in my head. If I hear an even slightly catchy song I have to get away from it. Musicals are a big no-go and Christmas is a tough time. I’m working my way through it.
Favourite thing to do in Cambridge?
Scarlet: My favourite thing to do anywhere is to sleep. Obviously the college accommodation single beds aren’t ideal, but you can’t win them all. In Cambridge specifically, I like prancing along King’s Parade and going to get a hot chocolate from McDonald’s for 99p. I tend to do this when I should be working, which for reference, is often.
Conall: I best not record this here.
Anna: Honestly at this point I’d do anything in Cambridge. Get me back ASAP please. Preferably straight back to the boathouse, where I spend the majority of my time. I have even napped there — better than the single beds. Other than that, the Mathematical Bridge, King’s Parade, Jesus Green, all the lovely places...brb, going to look up flights to Stansted.
Favourite thing about Violet?
Scarlet: I absolutely love Violet! It’s fun, satirical and random in the best way possible. It’s also a great procrastination platform because lots of its writers literally write to procrastinate, so then you know that you’re not alone. You are, on the contrary, one of many. There’s nothing like solidarity afterall.
Conall: Primarily, it will be giving me all sorts of lovely administration to take my mind away from neglected exam preparation. I also hear the content is not to be missed.
Anna: Honestly I just like the name. No idea where it comes from, that’s not important. Oh, and also the fact that I can just express the stupid, sarcastic thoughts I amuse myself with and call it journalism.
If it’s not evident already, you’re in for a real treat this Easter. If you ever need a break from tedious and soul-destroying revision, then you know where to look *hint hint* Violet. And if you perchance fancy getting involved by writing your own article (which we strongly encourage!) then don’t hesitate to drop us an email with a pitch of no longer than 200 words at We can’t wait to hear from you soon ;)