Part 2: Violet Editors on Life, The Universe, and Everything Else
The Violet Editors have not found the answer to life and the universe just yet, but they’re getting pretty skilled at answering the “everything else” part

We are now well into term time, and it is becoming more and more difficult to pretend it is still the holidays. So, with the haunting spectre of exams which no one ever asked for looming over us, we thought we would pop onto Violet to focus on the more important things in life. Read on to find a dramatic debate about apple and orange juice, and the revelations of a Taylor Swift sceptic.
Favourite song?
Scarlet: Have you heard of someone called Taylor Swift? You probably haven’t because she’s like, so alternative. Anyway, there’s this song called Fearless which is pretty cool. Also I’m going to go ahead and give two favourite songs because hey, questions are constructs anyway. You can’t beat a bit of I Want You Back by The Jackson 5. If you don’t like the song, then I’m not sure we can be friends. There’s nothing like tolerance and open-mindedness is there?
“Have you heard of someone called Taylor Swift?”
Anna: I have no clue, because I listen to everything and anything. So everything is my favourite? But I have a fear of getting songs stuck in my head, so I can’t listen to the same thing too often. Musicals and Christmas songs are a big no-no though. And also Taylor Swift, sorry Scarlet.
Conall: That one that goes do do-do doo d-d-do duh duhh — you know that one?
A night in or a night out?
Scarlet: Why not both? I mean I am a bit of a grandma and can usually be found wrapped in a blanket with hot chocolate to hand in the evening, but maybe one day I’ll spread my wings a little bit.
Anna: Pre-COVID, I would probably have said out. Cindies was my last night out, rest in peace. But 14 months since then, and seven since I’ve even been to a pub, I’ve perfected the night in. But if you offered me a pub now, I would take it.
Conall: Of where?
Sweet or savoury?
Scarlet: Is this even a question? Obviously sweet. I have a “generous” one spoonful of sugar in my tea, and I’m an absolute chocolate fiend. I always have to have a brimming biscuit selection at uni, else I get hangry at 1 am and then all hell breaks loose.
“Else I get hangry at 1 am and then all hell breaks loose”
Anna: Sweet all the time. I was the #3 top buyer of peanut butter in Sainsbury’s last year (they use your Nectar card to track it btw) and that’s something I’m proud of. I don’t know whether to be in awe or worried for whoever is #1 and #2 though.
Conall: Depends very much on the circumstance. A sweet roast chicken, for example, or savoury milk, I imagine would be quite off-putting.
Favourite procrastination activity?
Scarlet: I do love complaining about the fact that I procrastinate too much as a nice and reliable method of procrastination.
“And can you procrastinate on procrastination?”
Anna: A more interesting question would be, what counts as procrastination? If you are completing other tasks that need to be done, then you are still being productive, so does procrastination even really exist? And can you procrastinate on procrastination? So many more questions that should be answered before I can think about my favourite procrastination activity.
Conall: I have never procrastinated in my life. What a notion.
Apple juice or orange juice?
Scarlet: Now we are getting to the important questions at last! I am fond of both, but I am an apple juice gal at heart. Orange juice can sometimes be a bit strong and sour, whereas apple juice never fails to hit the sweet spot.
Anna: Is water a valid answer and will I be judged for it?
Scarlet (in response to Anna): Yes.
Conall: Apple, though preferably once fermented, at which point it acquires a pain-killing effect.
Favourite animal?
Scarlet: I’m ashamed to admit that I am not really an animal lover. I genuinely think a number of my friendships are on the brink because I refuse to find dogs cute and endearing.
Anna: When I was younger, I was obsessed with dolphins. I had a toy dolphin, ‘Dobdy’, but he died a noble death when we got a living puppy.
Conall: All sorts of talking birds, such as starlings, corvids, or Carroll Spinney.