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• Lettuce Club held its Annual General Meeting
• Participants had one hour to eat an entire lettuce
• After a disputed result, the next President of Lettuce Club will be decided in a play-off

11:00pm 11 o'clock. Lettuce Club is over for this year. We'll try to get the victor to you when we can, but until then, it's goodnight from the Lettuce Correspondents.

10:59pm Mat's name has just the one 't', by the way. The explanation presented to us was "he's from Liverpool".

10:56pm Lettuce is now strewn over the floor like the aftermath of the Somme. Oh the humanity.

10:55pm Matt thinks he might be hungry. He says he wants to eat, but if he does so he might throw up.

10:53pm DJ still going strong. Cindie's take note.

10:53pm All going to come down to Florida?

10:52pm  More information on the names of the viable contenders: they are Mat Best and Hector Epanomeritakis.

For some reason the Lettuce Club has no process to ensure a peaceful transition of power.

10:47pm We might not know the winner until tomorrow. We'll have passed over to Dimbleby before then.

10:46pm STILL no winner. We're hearing it's likely either 'Hector' or 'Matt'.

10:43pm Matt just ate his stump. He's gone rogue.

10:40pm Things are wrapping up here now, but we're still to ascertain the identity of the victor.

10:35pm AAnd Matt takes his final bite! It took him 31 minutes and 51 seconds.

"I am now going to the loo, where I intend to stay for a while."

10:31pm Matt's countenance is somewhere between meditative and agonised.

10:28pm There's a man here who came all the way from Bristol. It took him seven hours and he didn't even eat a lettuce. This is the magnetism of Lettuce Club.

10:26pm There are currently two viable candidates for the Presidency. The panel is still trying to work out which ate the lettuce faster. This could get bloody.

10:24pm The DJ has tried to find some lettuce-related songs, but the closest they can apparently find is non-lettuce-related songs with the word 'lettuce' spoken over it.

10:19pm Incumbent President David Wesby has called attendance "the tip of the iceberg". I don't get it.

Matt is once again biting into the lettuce.

10:18pm Apparently there's some dispute over who won, so it's now being put to a panel. Drama to follow.

10:16pm We're currently trying to locate the winner for comment. Matt is about halfway through his lettuce and beginning to look fatigued.

10:13pm I don't think I'll ever be able to eradicate the smell of lettuce from my nostrils.

In other news, a bystander has already deemed this "the biggest event of term", which is surely self-evident.

10:11pm "Christ alive!" -Matt

Matt has changed his technique and is now taking it leaf by leaf.

10:09pm Matt reckons there are over a hundred people in here, so we're already doing better than Trump's inauguration.

10:07pm People already claiming victory. Surely not five minutes in?

10:05pm "Oh my God, it's so watery!" Matt immediately struggling, having opted for the brute force technique.

10:03pm And we're off!

10:02pm 9... 8... 7.. 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

10:02pm It begins...

10:00pm Crisis averted: more lettuces have arrived.

9:58pm A friend tells me this is the first result for a search for 'lettuce' on Google news. Are you proud of me now, Dad?

9:55pm Organisation scandal in the offing: word is that they have run out of lettuces and are trying to order more.

9:46pm Matt is divulging his feelings before his trial.

"It's going to be a challenge, but I'm up for it. The position of President is prestigious, but I feel I can fill David Wesby's shoes."

9:40pm This may seem like an odd way to choose a President, but it still beats the electoral college.

9:35pm Welcome to the Varsity liveblog! We’re Sam Harrison, Matt Gutteridge and Ankur Desai at the Annual General Meeting of the Cambridge Lettuce Club in Clare College Bar. Participants in its time-honoured contest have one hour in which to eat an entire head of lettuce. Whoever finishes first will become the next President of the Lettuce Club - Head of Lettuce Club? - so the stakes are high.

There are unconfirmed reports that anyone who fails to complete their lettuce will banished from Lettuce Club for evermore.

Varsity’s own Matt Gutteridge is also competing, so we’ll keep you updated on his progress.

As ever on the live blogs, all views expressed are our own.

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