This academic year marks four consecutive years of industrial action from the UCURebecca Tyson

Dates for another round of industrial action were confirmed by the University and College Union (UCU) today (05/3). Cambridge University is one of 68 UK institutions whose staff will walk out for five days at the end of this month, 21-25 March.

The strikes follow the implementation of pension cuts which UCU say “will see 35% slashed from a typical member’s guaranteed retirement income”. The union also says that “all branches will also be reballoted soon in preparation for potential industrial action next term”, meaning that strikes could also affect Cambridge’s Easter term.

This is the latest in a series of strikes this academic year, initiated when UCU members across the country voted to strike on two separate issues – pension cuts, and the “Four Fights” (pay, workloads, casualisation and equality).

Cambridge has since seen three days of strikes in December, and ten days of strikes this Lent term. This academic year marks four consecutive years of industrial action from the UCU.

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