The decision was not due to be reconsidered until 2024Varsity

Gonville & Caius College Council have decided to allow the progress pride flag to be flown on the college flagpole.

At the meeting on Wednesday (4/5) fellows at the College voted to reverse their decision in February to fly only the College’s own banner.

The decision was not due to be reconsidered until 2024.

The College will allow the progress pride flag to be flown on the first day of June for the start of Pride Month.

The college council separately accepted a proposal for students to choose up to six flags they wish to have flown on the college flagpole during the course of the year. This amended flag policy will come into effect in October of this year.

The same proposal was rejected by a general meeting of fellows earlier this year because of concerns surrounding political neutrality.

The College said in a previous statement: “Choosing to fly only the College flag avoids concerns regarding political neutrality, and the difficulty of choosing between the plurality of good causes for which a flag could be flown.”

The pride flag was first flown at the College in 2016 and the more progressive progress pride flag was flown to commemorate LGBT history month in 2021.


Mountain View

Reversal of Caius flag decision not ruled out

Pressure from students and junior fellows is thought to have influenced the decision with students regularly protesting the move by flying pride flags at formals.

The College’s student union also wrote an open letter that was signed by hundreds of students and academics, including the College’s own senior tutor.

The letter called for the College to reverse the decision and requested the College be “receptive” to flagpole proposals submitted on behalf of the student body.

The current LGBT Officer told Varsity: “Whilst the College reviewing the decision not to fly the Pride flag demonstrates a responsiveness to student opinion, it does not eradicate the fact that the decision should not have been taken in the first place. The college does not deserve congratulations for this.”

Former JCR Vice-President Georgia Brown said: “I am also very proud of how students and fellows came together and worked hard to make this possible. But, the work is not over! The debate about the flag has led to other discussions about how we can make Caius a more inclusive place, and I am hopeful that more positive change is to come.”

Gonville & Caius College has been contacted for comment.

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