101 results found, showing 1–20
A significant portion of the bonds is expected to fund the controversial North West Cambridge development
The recent £600M bond is intended to help solve Cambridge’s housing crisis, but critics worry disappointing revenue may lead to further marketisation of the University
Multiple colleges have claimed they do not have any drinking societies, but their students say otherwise
Banners were strung across King’s, Clare and Garret Hostel bridges amid chants and smoke bombs
The former CUSU president took a solid majority to fulfil the role for a second year
Delegates invaded the stage, accusing the chair of filibustering motions on decriminalising sex work and abortion in Northern Ireland
Activists attempted to get the attention of the nation with an action halfway through the Men’s boat race
If you’re reading this, you’re one of the survivors
The activist group claim that the survey’s link with the Teaching Excellence Framework will allow the university to raise tuition fees
Dr Hutchinson, who publicly apologised earlier this week, allegedly breached sanctions imposed on him in 2015 by attending a lecture last month
The estate of the pioneering inventor is breaking its own record for biggest donation in the University’s history
Dr Hutchinson was accused of making ‘sexist and sexual’ remarks towards female students during supervisions
Ten years on from the crash, Daniel Gayne looks back at the course reform movement and asks why it failed to make its mark on economics
Film & TV
After a slow start, Daniel Gayne believes the third season of the animated series showed sparks of genius before a confused finale
Daniel Gayne explores Britain’s greatest landscape architect’s lost vision for the Cambridge backs
Daniel Gayne talks to the university’s European community to find out how they’re coping with the fallout of Brexit
Early applications from non-UK EU citizens increase by 7% after universities and government clarify fee and residency issues
Daniel Gayne takes life advice from a man who claims to read whole books in under ten minutes
Comment: Daniel Gayne
The divestment march must continue if we are to secure a democratic university
The University is too used to hiding behind accountants and bureaucracy