Image: Dr. Stuart Lutton

Dental implants have made it possible for people to smile again freely. Due to rising demands, implantology has become a standard practice at almost every dental clinic.

However, not all dental implant procedures are the same. While some dentists provide a general service, some go above and beyond to provide exceptional dental care.

If you’re thinking about getting dental implants, there are some important things to consider before making your decision.

What to Look for?

Given the significant impact of oral health on our lives, thorough research is essential. Consider these key points to make an informed decision about a dental implant procedure.

1. Guarantee:

Make sure the dental implant procedure comes with a guarantee. This way if something goes wrong with your implant, you won’t have to pay extra to fix it.

2. Success Rate:

Ask about the success rate of the dental implant procedure you’re considering. You want to know how likely it is to be a successful, long-lasting solution.

3. Tailored Approach:

A tailored approach means that the treatment plan is designed specifically for you.

4. Patient Comfort:

Look for a clinic that prioritizes your comfort. They should use techniques and tools to minimize pain and anxiety.

5. Implant System:

Make sure the clinic uses a reputable and widely recognized system.

6. Material Grade:

Ask about the grade of implant materials to ensure they are durable and safe. Higher-grade materials often last longer.

7. Convenience:

Is the clinic easily accessible, and do they offer flexible scheduling? Convenience can make the process smoother and less stressful.

Keeping these points in mind, you can compare several implant procedures and see which one ticks more boxes.

Making the Comparison

Look at this example where we weigh up Dr. Stuart Lutton’s Teeth Forever procedure with the general industry standards.

Check the guarantee’s duration. Teeth Forever offers up to 10 years of coverage, while industry standards offer around 3-5 years’ guarantee.

A high success rate is key. Teeth Forever has a 99% success rate for both full arch teeth bridges and supporting implants, surpassing the general success rate of 63%.

Personalized tooth shades are offered by Teeth Forever, which closely match your natural enamel color. Most of the industry offers only four to six shades.

The implant system used matters too. Teeth Forever employs a bespoke system, setting it apart from the generic systems in the industry.

When it comes to quality, the industry as a whole uses from less researched materials to top-notch ones, depending on the procedure cost. Teeth Forever uses genuine Zirkonzahn, a well-researched brand.

Lastly, consider the convenience. Teeth Forever is one of the few procedures in the industry that can get the job done in one sitting.

Finally, remember that this comparison is made using the claims from different clinics. To find out if these claims hold any truth, try asking within your social circle. Also, you can check Google reviews to see how people are responding to certain dental care practices.

Improving your smile is not to be taken lightly. It directly impacts your self-esteem. So, take your due diligence before making a final decision about which implant option to go for.