161 results found, showing 141–160
Dance through the festive season
Comment: Anonymous student
How do you build relationships, when the most important part of your life is also the most private?
Film & TV
Our reviewer was unimpressed by this attempt at a scary film
1 star
Comment: Anonymous student
In another guest contribution, we look at the impact alcoholism has on those around the addict
Comment: Anonymous student
This week, a guest column about battling another kind of addiction
Comment: Anonymous student
Recovery leads to far more than one might expect
Comment: Anonymous student
In the third part of the series, our recovering alcoholic reflects on the importance of asking for help
Comment: Anonymous student
What makes an alcoholic? It doesn’t have to be as bad as you think
Comment: Anonymous student
In the first of an eight part column, a recovering student alcoholic discusses perceptions of the disease
As the trauma of exams is almost over, one student tells you exactly why staying single, at least in Cambridge, is for the best. Bring on Cindies!
Comment: Anonymous student
Daisy Hughes and anonymous student argue that paying the living wage is a social duty
Film & TV
Anonymous can oversee the weak points in this musical for the sake of a generally brilliant show
4 stars
Comment: Anonymous student
The living wage is a necessity which is embarrassingly not afforded to many staff members in Cambridge, says the Cambridge Universities Labour Club’s Campaign Officer.
Film & TV
Anonymous sees room for improvement, but still recommends this stand up comedy show
3 stars
Comment: Anonymous student
In the first part of this series, a student provides a news perspective on the recent campaigns about Page 3, jelly-wrestling and body hair.
Film & TV
Anonymous is disappointed by a potentially exciting partnership
1 star
Henry Moore and an anonymous talk about their own experiences with mental health and their relationship with its portrayal on television
Comment: Anonymous student
Amid the controversy surrounding the campaign to disinvite Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Katie Lam gives her alternative idea of the university
Comment: Anonymous student
Diary of a recovering alcoholic: finding God
That’s Group of Drunks, Gift of Desperation, or even the real deal