41 results found, showing 1–20
Emily Lawson-Todd says goodbye to Cambridge from the top of a double-decker Cambridge Tour Bus
Get hooked on fish with mackerel menace Emily Lawson-Todd
Finalists and soon-to-be unemployed English graduates Emily Lawson-Todd and Hugh Jones reflect on their choices, and the prospects they offer
Emily Lawson-Todd argues that exam term doesn’t have to be the ordeal that we make it out to be
In an utterly desperate attempt to turn her life (and grades) around in her final year, Emily Lawson-Todd turns to living like a studytuber to see if it gets her to write her dissertation (reading whilst brushing your teeth entirely optional)
Summer is a-coming in. If you’ve had any burning questions as of late about how to change your life this Spring, then look no further than the answers written in the stars
University teaches you a lot of things. The only thing that it really taught Emily Lawson-Todd, however, was that every student should invest in one of those shopping bags on wheels
A novel sci-fi dramatic-comedy promising to strike the heart of the Cambridge cosmos
Let pancake enthusiasts Emily Lawson-Todd and Alice Mainwood show you how to optimise your crepe consumption.
Through the fog of a Lent term flu, Emily Lawson-Todd collects her thoughts on the quarter-life crisis, material memories, and her fears for the future
Comment: Emily Lawson-Todd
With all colleges apart from Trinity moving their interviews to Zoom, Jude Crawley and Emily Lawson-Todd question whether this is for the best
Visiting the University she scammed her way into, the influencer and writer is eager to meet the Caroline Calloways of the future
Comment: Emily Lawson-Todd
With a new Harry Potter shop opening in Market Square, Emily Lawson-Todd and Alice Mainwood go head-to-head over whether they’re magic or tragic
Emily Lawson-Todd chats to third year Katya Bungay-Hill about her experiences busking in Cambridge
Comment: Emily Lawson-Todd
The O’Reilly Plagarism scandal is a disgraceful example of academics demanding respect whilst showing students none
Comment: Emily Lawson-Todd
Liza Voloboeva and Emily Lawson-Todd go head-to-head on whether freshers’ week is overrated, or if it deserves the hype
Emily Lawson Todd takes a look at why this classic hairstyle is once again all the rage
Comment: Emily Lawson-Todd
Dissertations give students the space to engage with the subject they love. Who cares if they are useless for our future careers?
Comment: Emily Lawson-Todd
Fear and loathing in South Yorkshire
Last-minute spontaneity is all fun and games in Cambridge but, unless you live in London, that’s all gone over the holidays