116 results found, showing 81–100
Five colleges have so far committed to full divestment, while eighteen have withdrawn all direct investments in fossil fuel companies
The campaign has issued several demands, including paid training, revision of pay rates, and employment contracts for casualised teachers
The Centre, at the University’s Anne McLaren Building, began processing tests in April 2020 after it was rapidly repurposed
During the inquest, tributes were given to the two Cambridge graduates, who were killed in a terror attack in 2019
The letter states that it would be ‘illogical’ not to allow students to return to their accommodation and resume in-person teaching
Protests took palace on St Andrew’s Street today (01/04), while Extinction Rebellion protestors targeted banks across the country
The study shows that knowledge-intensive companies accounted for 28% of employment and 38% of the total turnover of £18 billion
Varsity reports live as the SU and sabbatical officers for the 2021-22 academic year are announced
The University of Cambridge Black Alumni Network (CBAN) will ‘work to nurture lifelong relationships’ among Black alumni of Cambridge University
Varsity gives you an insight into the manifestos for University Councillor, Women’s Officer, BME Officer, and postgraduate Access, Education, & Participation Officer
Varsity reports live as the election hustings for 2021 take place
This is the first year that the elections have taken place entirely online, and the second set of elections for the unified Students’ Union
Princess Shamsa, the daughter of Dubai’s ruler, was captured from a Cambridge street on her father’s orders more than twenty years ago
The ‘Cambridge Colleges Divest Now’ campaign will help organise college-specific divestment campaigns and pressure non-divested and partially-divested colleges to fully terminate investments in fossil fuels
The series of successful votes allow the Cambridge Students’ Union to provide further support for transgender and disabled students
The panel of academics discussed Churchill’s views of ‘white supremacy’ and his ‘mythic status’ in British public life
The Faculty will ‘particularly welcome applications from candidates from a BME background’, who are currently underrepresented in the faculty
A Cambridge Extinction Rebellion activist is facing court charges of criminal damages after painting a message onto an empty billboard
Captain Sir Tom Moore died yesterday aged 100, having been diagnosed with Covid-19