116 results found, showing 1–20
Georgia Goble finds an unlikely source of comfort in newswriting
Varsity gives a month-by-month breakdown of the stories that shaped Cambridge this year
PalSoc has reiterated calls for the University to cease its ‘complicity’ in the oppression of Palestinians through its investments
This comes after the Climate League of Oxford and Cambridge (CLOC) ranked the College last in its impact on the climate, which President Dorothy Byrne described as not ‘remotely accurate’ in an email to students
Two Cambridge graduates, Jack Merritt and Saskia Jones, were killed in the attack at the end of November 2019
The incidents occured last night, and the College warned students in an email sent today to be ‘very cautious’ when celebrating the end of term
The Vice-Chancellor told Varsity in October that the £400m partnership between the University and the UAE was ‘on hold’, but the group has voiced concerns in a letter that the deal has not been ruled out completely
The University will collaborate with Oxford to increase the admission of students from under-represented ethnic minority backgrounds
Varsity asks Graham Virgo about strikes, reading week plans and the future of online examinations
Lord Simon McDonald of Salford will take over from Professor Jane Stapleton in August 2022
A Hitler impression caused outrage last week, but the Union’s response elicited further backlash over concerns around free speech
Daniel Zeichner joins Richard Ratcliffe on hunger strike to call for government action
A Chinese PhD student alleges that Cambridgeshire police refused to send an officer when she was threatened with racially motivated violence
The Cambridge Union recently announced it would create a speaker blacklist including Alexander Graham-Dixon, who used racial slurs in a debate last week
Since the debate, which saw one speaker perform a Hitler impression using racial slurs, the Union has announced measures to combat institutional racism
Varsity has received exclusive footage of the impersonation, which includes the Union President’s admission to being drunk at the debate
A report accused the University of contributing to the development of lethal autonomous weapons through its research projects
Strikes will take place over issues of pay, unsafe workloads, casualisation and equality failings
Controversy and backlash at President’s and speaker’s conduct at the Cambridge Union
Owen Paterson resigned yesterday (04/11) after 24 years as an MP, after Downing Street U-turned on its decision to block his suspension