116 results found, showing 101–116
A report produced by MPs has called for the student Covid disruption fund to increase to £700m
Speakers at a vigil demanded justice for Giulio Regeni’s murder, as the University released defended academic freedom
The hospital will be the first children’s hospital in the region, and has already received £100m from the government
Fez is to permanently shut its doors, with no plans to reopen following the end of the national lockdown
The accreditation means staff of the University will receive a minimum hourly payment of £9.50
Video & Podcasts
This week: breaking down the procedures for dealing with sexual assault/harassment claims, speaking to students, journalists and a member of the University’s Complaints and Appeals group.
Video & Podcasts
This week: week five blues, loneliness in isolation and a look into what it means to suffer from mental health issues at the university.
Georgia Goble lists her top ten ways to be enchanted by Cambridge.
Reflecting on the ultimate legacy and passing of Supreme Court judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Georgia Goble shares how ageing female role models remind us that you are never too old to do what you love.
Video & Podcasts
Live every Friday at 6pm. This week; a closer look at the ‘refugee crisis’, the Europe Must Act movement, SolidariTee, and an interview with Cambridge Labour MP, Daniel Zeichner.
Video & Podcasts
Live every Friday at 6pm. This week; Covid-19 and its effects on student life.
Georgia Goble dissects the phenomenon of widespread pessimism among the generation which grew up after the financial crisis.
Spotlighting straight female musicians as gay icons is counterproductive, argues Georgia Goble
Comment: Georgia Goble
Georgia Goble comments on the recent tweets from JK Rowling and the way in which the famous author has abused her platform, inciting hate against the transgender community.
Addressing an unexpected panic of the pandemic, Georgia Goble explores singledom, romance and queer womanhood under lockdown
Comment: Georgia Goble
The perils of JK Rowling’s LGB Alliance
Georgia Goble reacts to J K Rowling’s recent essay, arguing that it is not only factually inaccurate but also poses a considerable threat to the trans community as her stature almost gives the alliance credibility.